Why do I have two different certificates?

  • An irrigation water user must have water shares (class A, shares) and system shares (B, C, D or E, shares) . Water shares are for the actual water while system shares are shares in the one or mores of the delivery systems, (the pipe in the ground). You must have both types of shares to use water in any of the systems.
    • A shares are WATER
    • B shares are South Smithfield delivery system
    • C Shares are the North West Fields delivery system
    • D Shares are the South West Fields delivery system
    • E Shares are the Residential (City) delivery system

What if I lose my certificates?

  • You will need to call the secretary and have her send you a "BOND of LOST CERTIFICATE".  You will need to fill this out, have it notarized and pay a $50.00 bond fee. The secretary will cancel out the missing certificates and issue new certificates to you.

Can I sell my water shares?

  • Water shares (A shares) can be sold to anyone who has a need for them. System shares ( B, C, D, or E shares) are appurtenant to the property upon which they are installed and can only be sold or transferred to a new owner of the same property. If you desire to sell your shares contact the secretary who can help you with this.


Smithfield Irrigation Co.
PO Box 41
Smithfield, UT 84335

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