Water Banking (Rental) System


The water banking system is available for shareholders that have water shares they do not intend to use for the year and allows the company to rent that water to other users in need of additional water. Requests to bank shares or rent shares must be submitted after the first of each year, will be addressed on a first come first served basis, and must be committed for the entire water year to be accepted. If the banked water is rented the company will credit the shareholder for an amount equal to the years class A water assessment.

  • NOTE:  It is important that the company demonstrate all of the water under our water right is put to beneficial use from year to year. Failure to do so could place that portion of the water right at risk of forfeiture. In that event the company may cancel a proportionate share of the stock of shareholders responsible for causing such forfeiture.


Use the "Water Share Banking Request" if you wish to make your excess shares available  to the others via the Smithfield Irrigation Company share banking system.


Use the "Water Share Use Request" if you desire to rent water shares from the Smithfield Irrigation Company share banking system for use on your property.


Use the "Form to rent water to another individual" if you desire to rent your shares to another individual. You must inform Smithfield Irrigation Company if you rent your shares.


Contact the Secretary for more detailed information.

Smithfield Irrigation Co.
PO Box 41
Smithfield, UT 84335

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